Friday 26 February 2016


 #indiansweets #rasgulla #roshagulla #bengali_sweets #chhena_sweets #homemade #delicacies #angoori_rasgulla

Ingredients: 1 ltr milk, 1/2 tbsp citric acid (or lime juice or curd), 2 cups sugar, 4 cups water, a pinch of cardamom powder, 2 tsp all purpose flour or semolina

Preparation Time: 30min, Quantity: Approx 24 small (angoori) rasgullas

1. Bring the milk to boil and add citric acid. Stir until the milk curdles (ensure you use a bigger vessel to avoid overflowing).
2. Strain the curdled milk to separate the whey with the help of a muslin cloth. Now, gather the muslin cloth together and hold the covered chhena under running water for a few seconds. this will remove the sour taste retained from the citric acid.
3. Keep this aside for 10 min with a weight on it to remove excess of water.
4. In the meantime, take a vessel/ deep pan, add water and sugar to this and heat it till all the sugar dissolves. Do not overheat or else sugar syrup thickens to form threads. Stir intermittently. If there are impurities, sieve the syrup. Now, keep 2 cups of sugar syrup aside and transfer the rest to the pan.
5. Check on the chhena. Take it and add the all purpose flour or semolina to it and knead it well using your palms. Knead it well for at least 5 min (till the mixture becomes greasy). Now, make small round balls out of this. Do not press, just lightly make the balls.
6. Heat the sugar syrup. When a boil comes, slide the balls in the pan and cook at low to medium flame. Cover with a lid. After two min or so, add a cup of the sugar syrup retained separately in order to control the temperature in the pan. Basically, the sugar syrup must not thicken at all, else it will spoil the dish. Stir very lightly.
7. Allow cooking for 3 min more while adding the rest of the retained syrup slowly after that. Turn off the gas. Allow the rasgullas to sink in the syrup. Add the cardamom powder to this and stir slightly.
 8. Once the rasgullas and syrup come to room temperature, transfer to a glass bowl and refrigerate.
9. Serve it chilled!

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